Watch Full Length Malayalam Movie 'Changatham' released in year 1983. Directed by Bhadran, Produced by Bhadran, Music by Raveendran and starring Mammootty, Mohanlal, Madhavi, Jagathi Sreekumar, Paravoor Bharathan,Shankaradi, Captain Raju, Sathyakala.
Story :- Anne (Madhavi) works as a typist in Daniel's (Mohanlal) office and he has an eye on her. She is often followed by Tony (Mammootty), a wealthy businessman and he confesses his love for her. Finally Tony marries Anne which irks Daniel. Soon life starts disturbing Anne as she finds out that Tony was actually cheating her as he is a conman. Tony explain her why he became a conman and his past struggling life. In between Daniel gets killed by Tony as he tries to rape Anne. A Police officer Prem (Captain Raju) is appointed to investigate this case. Meantime Anne understand Tony and his good intention and finally starts supporting her husband in all his activities as a partner. Climax reveals whether they get caught for all the wrong deeds.
Movie : Changatham
Cast : Mammootty, Mohanlal, Madhavi, Jagathi Sreekumar, Paravoor Bharathan,Shankaradi, Captain Raju, Sathyakala.
Director: Bhadran
Producer : Bhadran
Music : Raveendran
Release : 1983
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